Lean 4, Emacs, and Archlinux

1. Formalizing Cognitive Science

This is the clear goal. The path remains murky. But, inspired by the recent Topos Institute Colloquium by Will Crichton, I decided to download Lean to my computer to see if I could begin to explore it as yet another tool I will only use intermittently, if at all, in my pursuit of the "clear goal" via the process of iterative preparation.

1.1. What the Archlinux Wiki has to say.

We will want elan to manage our lean installation, and there is a package for its installation in AUR.1 After downloading that snapshot 2 we expand the package and makepkg and sudo pacman -U elan-lean-3.1.1-2-x86_64.pkg.tar.zst.3

Then, assuming you want to use the math library, you will want to check the link to get a suitable build. In my case this meant: elan toolchain install leanprover/lean4:v4.11.0-rc2. However, a elan show did not show the toolchain as active so I did elan default v4.11.0-rc2 which repeated the download, but then did make it active. I suppose there was a command to activate the earlier install, but the latter command seemed to work as well.

1.2. And of course Emacs

The Archlinux wiki here is feigning helpfulness telling us that we can just install the lean-mode package from melpa. However, that doesn't work. Instead, I had to follow the instructions from the lean people.

  1. Clone the repo.
  2. Tell emacs where it can find the package by adding it to your load-path.
  3. Make sure you have needed dependencies, and then

4 Use package lean4-mode.

For me this becomes,

(use-package dash)
(use-package flycheck)
(use-package lsp-mode)
(use-package magit-section)
(use-package lean4-mode
  :load-path "/home/britt/Nextcloud/admin/computer/lean.d/lean4-mode"
  :requires (dash flycheck lsp-mode magit-section) ;; prevents loading if they are missing; so install them
  :commands (lean4-mode))

1.3. Testing

Just open an empty file with the .lean extension. Make sure you answer the interactive prompts affirmatively to define the project root. Then you should see when you type #check id incomprehensible stuff that tells you lean is installed and working.



Generally, it is good advice to make sure your system is up-to-date before installing finicky software (and Lean has a reputation of being finicky to install). Don't forget pacman -Syyu.


You may need some dependencies for elan. In my case it was cargo and that meant rust.


Of course your specific package number will probably be different.

Date: 2024-08-22 Thu 00:00

Author: Britt Anderson

Created: 2024-08-22 Thu 18:17
