A Simple Scribble Book Template Explained
1 Starting with a #lang declaration
2 Importing Library Functions
3 Plotting
4 Some Meta Data
5 Actually writing stuff
6 Some Simple Formatting
7 How to do a few more basic things
7.1 Links
7.2 Writing Math
7.3 Plotting
8 Conclusion

A Simple Scribble Book Template Explained

1 Starting with a #lang declaration

Your file needs to start with a language declaration. This is what it looks like the for the scribble book form.

#lang scribble/book

2 Importing Library Functions

If you need additional functions not included by your language declaration you can require them. Here are some choices that seems to offer some reasonable functionality.

@(require plot/pict

The above require code is a way of importing additional libraries to give functionality to your scribble document. For example the scribble-math/dollar library allows you to use a latex like $ character to get a latex type setting of a mathematical formula. scribble/example is nice in that it allows you to type set code in the document and include the output of that code in the final product when you compile the document. There will be examples of both these uses shortly.

3 Plotting

Plotting in racket is not something that I understand at all well, but it remains something I need to have available. Here is the creation of a plotting evaluator
@(define plot-eval
  (let ([eval  (make-base-eval)])
    (eval '(begin
             (require racket/math

You can also put this near the top of your document to have access to that function later when you want to plot something.

4 Some Meta Data

You continue to use the @ syntax to define some standard metadata such as title and author.

@title{This is where you put the title of your document}
@section{And this is a section title.}

5 Actually writing stuff

The writing becomes a mixture of things you just type as if they were text, like you are used to, and things preceded with an @ sign that switches you into a mode that leads to the next bit of text being treated as code. There are complex rules for this. I don’t have any good advice except to
  • Read the manual

  • Look at the Scribble document source code.

It was the second that often proved the most helpful since you could see what the scribble authors put in their .scbrl files which they compile to produce the documentation. These files are found at the racket/scribble github repository.

6 Some Simple Formatting

Most formatting commands look something like this
@centered{@bold{Some text I want centered and bold}}
and produce something like this.

Some text I want centered and bold

A simple itemized list looks like this with the use of an optional argument to make it numbered instead of bullet points. Lots of the @ formatting commands have the ability to accept these options.

  @itemlist[#:style 'ordered
            @item{This is the first item}
            @item{And this is the second}]

Which yields:

  1. This is the first item

  2. And this is the second

7 How to do a few more basic things

For those of us coming to racket without institutional support or a local expert, it can be hard to get started on even basic document features. Here a few more simple examples of how to get things done.

7.1 Links

The format for a hyperlink is a bit tricky. Some things are strings. Some things are not. It depends on whether you are using [ or {.

Here is a link to a picture of the action potential. I included it like this,

7.2 Writing Math

To get this to work for html export I had to make sure I had this declaration in the document.


Then, because I imported that scribble-math/dollar library I could write a LaTeX like like and it got typeset on export.

@($$ "\\sum_{\\forall x \\in \\left\\{ 1 , 2 , 3 \\right \\}} x ~=~ 6")

Produced this:

\sum_{\forall x \in \left\{ 1 , 2 , 3 \right \}} x ~=~ 6

7.3 Plotting

This really needs a knowledge of the evaluator and the plot library. But if you really just need to put a small sample up of a function or a scatter plot here is some code to get your started.

@examples[#:eval plot-eval
                  (define xs (build-list 20 (lambda _ (random))))
                  (define ys (build-list 20 (lambda _ (random))))
                  (plot (points (map vector xs ys)))]

Note that here I am using the examples function. This both typesets the code, and includes the result of running the code in the document. This is the result of executing what I have typeset in the paragraph proceding.

> (define xs (build-list 20 (lambda _ (random))))
> (define ys (build-list 20 (lambda _ (random))))
> (plot (points (map vector xs ys)))


But you do not need to do it in this way. You can just write and run code. I am going to show what I typed, but you will only see the plot. If I had not formally made a code block to display the code for this document it would have been hidden from the reader of the final output.


Here is the code to produce that plot:

@(plot-eval (plot (function sin (- pi)  pi #:label "y = sin(x)")))

8 Conclusion

There is much more you can do with scribble. My point in sharing this is to provide a simple template for getting started. The formal documentation can scanning of source code can be a long road to get started. It can be nice to a have a relatively simple working example and then build the complexity in as you need it.