Britt Blog

Welcome to yet another Britt Blog. You can find some of my academic work in the Publications section and a bit about me as well as some of my recent thoughts in the Older Posts section below.

1. Recent Posts

1.1. Lean 4, Emacs, and Archlinux

Date: <2024-08-22 Thu> Author: Britt Anderson

1.1.1. Formalizing Cognitive Science

This is the clear goal. The path remains murky. But, inspired by the recent Topos Institute Colloquium by Will Crichton, I decided to download Lean to my computer to see if I could begin to explore it as yet another tool I will only use intermittently, if at all, in my pursuit of the "clear goal" via the process of iterative preparation.

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1.2. Haskell, Eglot, Language Servers, and Emacs

Date: <2024-04-19 Fri> Author: Britt Anderson

1.2.1. Haskell Coding in Emacs

Haskell is a programming language where the rate of development and the evolution of its tooling can make it challenging to love. But love it I do, even though in many ways it is the antithesis of Common Lisp. If the latter is a forever language it sometimes feels as if Haskell is a never language, because I spend so much time trying to figure out how to get it working (admittedly I am only an intermittent user) that by the time I am done, I never write any code.

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1.3. Use fdm to make your emacs-org-mode email workflow smoother

Date: <2024-01-22 Mon> Author: Britt Anderson

1.3.1. FDM: a tool to make an emacs email workflow smoother

1.4. Just Use Common Lisp

Date: <2023-12-08 Fri> Author: Britt Anderson

1.4.1. Why Aren't We All Just Coding in Common Lisp?

There is history here, and I don't have the expertise to revisit it or adjudicate, but I can say that my beginner's experience with Common Lisp has been very favorable.

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2. Older Posts

3. RSS

Date: 2024-01-22 Mon 00:00

Author: Britt Anderson

Created: 2024-08-22 Thu 18:17
